social studies

Tara Cartwright is studying social work at Staffordshire University

Here’s why she loves it.

‘People move through a series of stages, to enable them to make positive change.’ (Prochaska & DiClemente, 1983)

Contemplation stage – it’s 2013, I’m 26, a single, working mum to two young boys. The thought of going to university to study a degree in social work feels like a dream I’ve been chasing for years, and can’t quite catch up with. Life. Its ups and downs, its pressures and responsibilities, deadlines and bills, bills, bills, had seemingly backed me into a corner of dead-end jobs and passionless careers.

Preparation stage – tired of accepting this fate of career death, and wanting to offer my children so much more, I decided to take the plunge and apply to university. The process of filling in forms, finding referees, and writing the dreaded personal statement, was daunting, to say the least, but at the same time so exciting! The dream of actually getting into university and being accepted onto the social work programme was edging closer.

The day came when my world changed forever… the email titled ‘UCAS application status notification’ appeared in my inbox, I clicked on the link, my heart pounding through my chest, my mouth dry with apprehension. There it was… ‘Unconditional offer received from Staffordshire University’. I froze in a whirl of shock, excitement, and overwhelming emotion, before shouting “I got in!”

The countless phone calls to my mum began: can I actually do this? Is it even financially possible with two children? Am I clever enough? Am I too old? Josh’s mum says I should wait five years until both boys are at school. It was at this point when my mum said this magical sentence: 'You have been given this opportunity in your life, right now, you should take it with both hands. Don’t give up, don’t listen to others who doubt you, you are passionate about this and you will succeed.’

You know what? She was right. If you have a real passion for something in life, you will succeed in doing it. Don’t stop until you have it in your hands – no matter what the obstacles are. You are the only one who has the power to make your dreams and ambitions a reality.

Action stage – it was passion and determination that got me through three challenging and exciting years of growth. The tutor who continually inspired me with recollections of his own experiences as a student, a service user and front-line social worker, enhanced my learning experience. I gained confidence as a result of genuinely interested tutors, who met nerves with encouragement and listened to every debate with ardour.

"You are the only one who has the power to make your dreams and ambitions a reality."

Maintenance stage – present day. I’m 29, part of a loving family, a seemingly different person to the 26 year old at the beginning of this story, and… a graduate! I never thought I would come this far – having graduated and starting my dream job next month.

All thanks to passion and determination – two things we all have for something, somewhere. What are you waiting for?